An expatriate of New Orleans – and professional chef – who has lived in Los Angeles since her childhood, blogs about the journey from New Orleans to Los Angeles back to New Orleans, and points along the way.

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New Orleans 4 Years Later

Posted by on Aug 30, 2009, 11:36 pm in Current Affairs, History, Personal Reflection | 0 comments

This weekend marks the 4th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina’s hit on the Gulf Coast, and today the 4th anniversary of New Orleans’ awakening, in spite of being spared a direct hit, to being flooded by the effects of waters surging up the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet. And this week marks the 4th year since the startling “Third World” images were broadcast across our airwaves from one of our nation’s most beloved cities.

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A Tropical Themed Party for a Warm Summer Evening

Posted by on Aug 28, 2009, 10:12 am in Food and Drink, Menus, Shameless Self Promotion- Sharing Successes, Small Pleasures Catering | 0 comments

A Tropical Themed Party for a Warm Summer Evening

A catered birthday party with a menu designed to accompany Margaritas and Mojitos, the only drinks the client intended to serve.

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